Busy Week
I am indeed alive and kicking.
Th office move has happened and I am almost fully decorated too!
This afternoon I will have the lightweight panels for the wall created and tomorrow will have them installed.
Then about the only thing left are the screens between the desks for the staff.
It's great working in an environment which is so nice, modern and groovy.
I had a client pop in today for a meeting and they thought the office was fantastic (even if the internal walls were just poles).
The building has at least two other dogs who come to work most days and Lucy has been making friends left right and centre!
In fact one girl pops up every day and 'borrows' Lucy so her dog and Lucy can play for an hour.
Now that's what I call service!
I am in the mode of just wanting to relax and do nothing after leaving the office, but there is just SO much on my to do lists that I have to get it all done.
With the growing credit crisis and slow down of the economy I am worried about how my little small business will go.
Hopefully through all the new products and product strategies we will be in a good position to capture the market that needs to be more cost effective.
Anyway I am finally off to join a gym after Gold's closed down at the end of last month and do a very light workout for the first time in over three months!
Labels: general life
Annoying Blogger Problems
I am having real problems with getting blogger to publish my blog and upload images at the moment.
It's beginning to annoy the crap out of me actually!
the whole car issue is quite high in my mind, well as high in my mind that anything other than the truckloads of work I have on.
The boy likes the idea of a nice sexy MX5, I of course like the idea but wonder whether I should be much More environmentally friendly and go for the Smart Fourtwo Cabrio?
But since the boy is already an environmental terrorist and basically needs a petrol tanker following the car around jut to do long drive, I am not sure that a Smart is really any better then an MX5.
But it's not even really going to be an issue for a while anyway as we 'budget' (have you noticed I have used this word a few times of late?
It's a bit like Hugh Grant's Character in Two Weeks Notice saying 'when I mean poor we will have to share a helicopter with another family'.
Now we DO NOT have a helicopter and can't possibly afford one unless it's one of those cute tiny remote control ones, I just like the line from the movie.
I still haven't been to the gym yet, I want to go but by the time I am even half way through my day's To Do List it's past eight at night and I am exhausted.
Maybe next week when I am caught up again, it can't be this weekend because we are off to Rugger Bugger on Saturday night to support Army Boy who is heading off to Ireland to play with the Sydney Convicts in the Bingham Cup.
So it's of to work I go for the final day of the week.
Let's hope I get lots of done and sell lot's of Boxes!
Labels: general life
Hump Hump Hump
It's hump day and I so feel it today.
I feel pretty tired and just generally a bit worn out.
I did at least have lunch today with young Dan who is looking good and seems to be relatively free of pain at the moment (or was that only during lunch?)
The adorable Bry responded to my post the other day looking for the name of a plant, it was horsetail, but guess what?
It's banned in Australia!
Fantastic, the plant I wanted is bloody banned!
Oh well all I want is a nice hedging plant that looks like a reed or bamboo, but without the bamboo because I don't like it when bamboo leaves die as it looks messy.
On other really fascinating news an insight into my personality was gained during the week and the outcome of this is that I have been told I need to get myself a car, for both my and the boy's sanity and happiness.
I haven't driven in about 4 years, partially because the boy has a love affair with his car and the thought of putting ding in it is enough to make me hyper ventilate. The main reason through is the last time I did actually drive I had a very large panic attack and well quite frankly I haven't driven since.
In virtually everything else that has caused me in the past panic attacks or excessive anxiety I have managed to overcome, meetings, walking across streets, most queues and most social situations.
It's helped knowing that the physical effects I used to count as being a prelude to a panic attack are actually just normal anxiety and are normal.
But the thought of driving again is both exciting and terrifying, but I think the excitement outweighs the terror.
So there are two things to do,
1) Choose a car type
2) Start driving again in small doses.
The first is relatively easy, and no I refuse to get a 'sensible' car with four seats, bugger that for a joke, I'm not going to be lumped with the 'family' car while the boy has all the fun with the expensive sports car.
However I do need to be realistic in my need, nothing expensive, nothing large. I mentioned to a client that I was thinking of driving again and she suggested a Smart Car, whilst I was more thinking a Mazda MX5 (Miata).
We had a MX5 years ago and I loved the little bugger, it drove like the clappers, it was fun sporty and a two year old used MX5 is not too expensive.
Mind you on the other hand a Smart could be fun too, but if I am going to drive again I would like to drive something sexy and something that I feel is sexy.
The problem of course is how do I get some practice in before getting a car, budgetary constraints mean it will take a while (it's called a Budget and WE WILL stick to it). I am not really sure I want to drive the boy's car, or maybe I should just pull my finger out, find a quiet car park with lots of space and have a go and get my confidence up that way.
The insight is fascinating and after really quite deep thought it makes a huge amount of sense to me that yes it's time to star driving again and yes it will help me alot!
Labels: general life
I am mentally and physically exhausted even after a shorter than normal week.
With the weekend far behind me I have been head down tail up almost the entire rest of the week moving forward with work.
It's amazing how when you think about it work can be so totally consuming and can totally become the focus of your waking and sleeping moments.
I have to find a way to work even more smarter not harder per se, and I have to learn not to show my impatience in my voice to iodiotic clients who ask stupid or irrelevant questions and waste my time.
Labels: general life
Back to Work
After having two weeks off and for the first time in a long log time not doing work while I was on holiday I am back at work.
I am certainly not enjoying working from home at all. Apart from the fact that it's always difficult to get back into work after having time off, we ended up out at Arq nightclub on Saturday night and we are both suffering from a bit of 'disco flu'.
I have been trawling through the Internet looking at different commercial spaces for either lease or sharing. There is a bit out there, but I have learnt my lesson from past experience and will not jump into the first thing I see.
Anyway my head is all woozy from the anti-histamines I took last night to unblock my nose, and the fact that I am trying to work out where I was up to in a few complex projects.
So for now I bid all adieu!
Labels: general life
Some home truths about growing old

In gay years turning 30 was almost supposed to be death on the gay scene, but for me 30 was a fantastic year. Maybe I was a late emotional bloomer as I didn't really come out of my own Shell and gain the confidence I have till my mid twenties.
Regardless I have always prided myself on my mature outlook on things, youthful exuberance and the important fact that I never really looked my age.
I do still get told by most people that to look at me they think I am mid to late twenties which is a pretty big complement especially coming from 'kids' in their early to late twenties themselves. Our group of friends range in age from late teens to older friends in the sixties.
The issue of getting old is something we all have to face.
For me personally the tide of time is starting to catch up with me in a few rather significant ways. The most visible for me (and most significant) is my thinning hair which causes me much consternation and concern. One and off for the last year and a half I have used one of the topical treatments on my scalp to slow down and prevent hair loss.
When I use it the change is dramatic the hair really does start to grow back and it no longer looks as thin. The problem of course is using the damn stuff. You have to wait till your hair is fully dry before putting it on so it can take some waiting especially after a shower and you are getting ready to go to work.
But the bigger issue is it is an oil and leaves the hair quite greasy which means you can't use product in it, or you would have to blow dry your hair after putting it on and then try stying it.
At best I am a lazy time poor person so going through that whole process every morning before able to get out of the house is a push at best.
But I know by using it it stops or slows down the symptoms of male pattern baldness.
The other horrible thing about getting old is the face starts to sag, you no longer have that beautiful young subtle skin that I once did. Luckily I have been using moisturiser since I was a young teenager and it shows in my skin tone. But no mater how much moisturiser you use, nothing would be as good as a quick little lift.
Or just maybe some botox?
I don't mind getting old I just don't want to look old God Dammit!
Looking back on last year I seemed to stop working out at all towards the mid way through the year. I certainly didn't particularly watch my food intake and although most people disagree I look and feel frumpy.
It's time to actually do something about this all again, I think I was resigning myself to the 'getting older' crap and forgetting that it's not how you look only but it's also how you act.
So let's see if I can pull my finger out and get my 'mind' back into feeling young again!
Labels: fitness, general life, health, workout
I was reminded...
I was reminded today that being gay is still not OK in everyone's minds and hearts. Whilst I strive for the full recognition of same sex relationships people are still struggling with the very basic right of acceptance and tolerance from their very only families.
A friend of a friend from the country who has been living in Sydney this last year was told in no uncertain terms that he is not welcome back home this Christmas.
I was really horrified when I heard this and felt so sorry for him. Knowing that this very gentle soul is being pushed away from his family all because he had the fortune of being born gay.
He will be fine, he has friends around and will most definitely not be alone for Christmas. But this reminded me of something far more fundamental about being gay and friends and family.
Many many many years ago (and I mean that seriously many years ago), my very first boyfriend's flatmate told me that he and Micheal (my then boyfriend) were 'family'. Not family in the sense of being related by blood, but they were family in the sense of looking out for one another, dropping everything if the other needed them and just being there.
It was very common back in the eighties for gay people to describe their friends as families in this way. For many back then they had been thrown out of home, shunned by blood relatives, lost jobs, lost friends & lovers to HIV / AIDS and in return they created tight families of friends.
Both the boy and I are really very lucky that our families love us very much and share our lives with us. On Christmas Day we will spend the day with our families all together during the day and then at night we will see our 'other family'.
So this Christmas think about who your 'family' is and enjoy your families on many levels.
Labels: general life
I am Stichless!
Thank God after ten days of having nasty stitches in my leg they have been removed!
Mind you the two hours it took to wait and see a Doctor then wait and see a nurse was very very long! I should have pulled them out myself!
Labels: general life