The information, intellectual property, intellectual capital, computer code and content contained within (this site and its associated pages) are copyright and may not be reproduced or stored unless written express permission is gained from the author.
The author can be contacted via email at
The story life at a private school is a fictional account and is protected by international copyright in all countries of the world. Each chapter is electronically signed and dated befiore it is made availbale electronically to ensure the non repudiation of the content.
In the event that copyright is broken legal action will begin immediatley and will include a cease and desist order and a request for punitive damages will be made.
The pictures, icons and other graphics on this site, apart from the personal photo album pictures are not owned by Drew and copyright is not held or requested. If you own the copyright to any of the images used within this site please contact Drew at and they will be removed immediately. All images have been sourced from the Internet and no copyright is believed to exist on these images.
All trademark images, computer code, names and applications available through this site are used by permission either of the terms of service associated with their use or by other agreement.
Superdrewby has done it's best to ensure that all material used on this site which is not original and has not been created by Drew or others, is not copyrighted and actively seeks to idnetify ilegal uses of copyright. |