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sometimes blue
DrewI am a thirty something married gay boy living in Sydney, almost on top of the gay scene but not in it! Why Sometimes blue?, because I love blue, but also I am sometimes blue :)
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Thursday, January 03, 2008

Some home truths about growing old

This year I will officially turn 36 years of age, and it's even my Chinese horoscope year too. I am rat for those who are interested and you can discover more about the Year of the Rat and the Chinese Horoscope here.

In gay years turning 30 was almost supposed to be death on the gay scene, but for me 30 was a fantastic year. Maybe I was a late emotional bloomer as I didn't really come out of my own Shell and gain the confidence I have till my mid twenties.
Regardless I have always prided myself on my mature outlook on things, youthful exuberance and the important fact that I never really looked my age.
I do still get told by most people that to look at me they think I am mid to late twenties which is a pretty big complement especially coming from 'kids' in their early to late twenties themselves. Our group of friends range in age from late teens to older friends in the sixties.
The issue of getting old is something we all have to face.
For me personally the tide of time is starting to catch up with me in a few rather significant ways. The most visible for me (and most significant) is my thinning hair which causes me much consternation and concern. One and off for the last year and a half I have used one of the topical treatments on my scalp to slow down and prevent hair loss.
When I use it the change is dramatic the hair really does start to grow back and it no longer looks as thin. The problem of course is using the damn stuff. You have to wait till your hair is fully dry before putting it on so it can take some waiting especially after a shower and you are getting ready to go to work.
But the bigger issue is it is an oil and leaves the hair quite greasy which means you can't use product in it, or you would have to blow dry your hair after putting it on and then try stying it.
At best I am a lazy time poor person so going through that whole process every morning before able to get out of the house is a push at best.
But I know by using it it stops or slows down the symptoms of male pattern baldness.
The other horrible thing about getting old is the face starts to sag, you no longer have that beautiful young subtle skin that I once did. Luckily I have been using moisturiser since I was a young teenager and it shows in my skin tone. But no mater how much moisturiser you use, nothing would be as good as a quick little lift.
Or just maybe some botox?
I don't mind getting old I just don't want to look old God Dammit!
Looking back on last year I seemed to stop working out at all towards the mid way through the year. I certainly didn't particularly watch my food intake and although most people disagree I look and feel frumpy.
It's time to actually do something about this all again, I think I was resigning myself to the 'getting older' crap and forgetting that it's not how you look only but it's also how you act.
So let's see if I can pull my finger out and get my 'mind' back into feeling young again!

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At Fri Jan 04, 10:47:00 AM EST, Blogger Gabriel said...

hey fellow rat! i absolutely agree with you about getting old - as long as i don't look old :) three words of advice - diet, gym and drugs - to keep age at bay :)

At Fri Jan 04, 10:49:00 AM EST, Blogger Superdrewby said...

hahahahahahahahahaha - I am not sure about the drgus part though, unless you know of some wonderful magical elixer of youth that I should be taking?

At Fri Jan 04, 04:00:00 PM EST, Blogger Gabriel said...

babe: its not over the counter or prescription. but if everyone around you takes it, you usually look MORE than wonderful....hehe ;)

At Sat Jan 05, 02:45:00 AM EST, Blogger ultra said...

Hah, I'm a rat too (I was born before Chinese New Year). That makes you 11 or 12 years older than me. Maybe I should start moisturising so I be as good as you at 30+.

At Sat Jan 05, 07:55:00 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Drew, I use Proscar (also known as Propecia) it costs me $90 per quarter and I get $60 back from my health fund so for $10 a month I get to keep my hair. I wasn't thining but my partner and friends were and they started taking it (my GP treats them all) so I asked for a script. I have to say that it has worked for all of us. give it a try - pharmaceutical grade and all. Brett

At Sun Jan 06, 06:11:00 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

get on the 'tox and the 'lane kid. best. thing. ever.


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