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sometimes blue
DrewI am a thirty something married gay boy living in Sydney, almost on top of the gay scene but not in it! Why Sometimes blue?, because I love blue, but also I am sometimes blue :)
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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Oh the temptation

One of my favorite artists Todd Goldman is releasing signed prints of one of my favorite characters...

He also takes commissions, UGH the temptation!

haven't I already bought enough art this year?


Friday, August 07, 2009

Some new art

In between working like mad the last few months/ weeks / days I have also done some more art acquisition in the form of a couple of original Trademark paintings from his recent visit to Australia.

These are paintings done for an as yet un-released underwear line.

Pretty sexy!

You can see more of his work at his website or the gallery where I purchased these Urban Uprising in Darlinghurst.

In addition to the two originals I also purchased a signed limited edition print called Spunk, which is pretty sexy too!


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The renovations and decorating

The second bedroom has almost been completed all the walls and shutters are in and the furniture has been delivered as well.

In the end we decided to keep the room very minimal (like the rest of the apartment).

The room mainly gets used for:
  1. Dog's Bedroom
  2. Drying Washing
  3. Playing Xbox
  4. Guest Bedroom

In that order really so all I wanted in their was a nice unobtrusive sofa bed, a lamp and the low entertainment unit to hide the technology and rest the LCD screen on for when the boy disappears and goes killing things on XBOX Live LOL

The Sofa bed was custom made for me by a local store in Surry Hills, Dellis Furniture, If you need something you should give Spiro a call he did a great job of taking my basic ideas and having them made into a real sofa bed.

In fact I am so impressed with the way the sofa was made i am thinking of having a Bed Base and Bed Head made to the specification I would like.

But that will have to wait a while.

The lamp chosen is a copy of the famous shadow lamp which looks fantastic and casts a lovely soft golden glow across the room.

Interestingly when I posted the picture to my FaceBook account last night a friend also commented on the artwork on the wall a Caroline Numina from the Northern Territory.

It's a great artwork and on doing some Google searches about her discovered that the prices of her work in galleries has increased by more than 10 times in the last few months!


So next on my list of items to finish in the apartment is the new door to the spare room, the skirting boards and a roof for the downstairs balcony.

The bed will do for now, but I am thinking of using the winter sales to get some quality pots, planters and plants for the upstairs roof terrace.

We don't use it much in winter because it's too cold, but with the winter sales on for stuff like that it would be silly to wait till summer and pay full price.

Apart from the painting needed, downstairs is done and looks perfect, so it's no just the few small things to complete.

Knowing us though we will probably end up selling as soon as I have finished decorating and I will never get to live in a fully decorated apartment heheheh

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

So now we have to choose!

Rodney has finished my commissioned artworks and have offered me 13 choices for the six panels I ned to have replaced.

I think I know which ones I want, which do you like?

You can see the full version at the Artist Rodney's blog.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Artwork in progress

So this is the next shot of the artwork in progress

We get to choose six of them....


Friday, May 01, 2009

New Artist Found - Peter McLisky

This very interesting artist is Australian and does some of the most amazing sculptural art works for inside and outside from metal and concrete.

I can just imagine how cool these would look in a big green paddock or in a large back garden!


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Artwork in Progress

Late last year I commissioned an artist Rodney Love who had previously done a fantastic Pop Art Panel Piece for me to update the work with 6 new panels that were slightly less racy.

The original piece whcih I love is just a bit too confronting for the lounge room and has caused parents to wlmost choke on their drinks as they read some of the panels.

So in consultation with the boy and Rodney we aksed for six new panels which we will replace in the existing artwork.

The more racy ones will be framed and put upstairs in one of the bedrooms where it is less likely to upset the oldies.

Rodney sent me a image this morning of the new panels in progress. He is doing ten so I can choose six from - I am VERY excited to see them!


Saturday, October 25, 2008

This is just Criminal!

Banksy art is graffiti, rules town hall

London's Westminster Council says a work by underground artist Banksy is graffiti and will be painted over.

The seven-metre tall work, painted in giant white letters on a concrete wall in April, was intended as a criticism of Britain's Big Brother culture and specifically the prevalence of CCTV cameras.

"One Nation Under CCTV", it screams, from a wall on which a CCTV camera is also mounted.
A child figure perched in a letter appears to be painting the message on the wall, which overlooks a post office yard in Oxford Circus.

The work, Banksy's biggest in London, was painted under the cover of darkness after the artist managed to erect three storeys of scaffolding behind a security fence, despite being watched by the CCTV camera.

But Westminster Council says the work will be painted over, The Times reported today.

The council says it will remove any graffiti, regardless of the reputation of its creator.

Banksy has no more right to paint graffiti than a child, the council says.

"If we condone this then we might as well say that any kid with a spray can is producing art," Robert Davis, the chairman of Westminster's planning committee, told The Times.

"To go and deface other peoples property is graffiti. Just because he's famous doesn't give him that right."

Banksy started out as a street artist, but his work is now coveted by celebrities and has earned him a lot of money.

In February, his Andy Warhol-inspired screen print of supermodel Kate Moss sold for STG96,000 ($A210,550) at a street art auction in London.

And a wall he had painted sold for STG208,100 ($A453,700).

Banksy's work has been bought by actress Angelina Jolie and singer Christina Aguilera.




Monday, October 20, 2008

Contempary Art Sales are Stagnant

A London dealer, John Austin, said it was the worst-performing auction he had seen since 1991.

"There's been an awful lot of speculation. We've got to get back to the real market where people buy things because they really like them."


Does that mean I can get a Brillo Box at a reasonable price?


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Banksy's new Exhibition

The Village Pet Store and Charcoal Grill is an amazing cross over of a very weird pet store and grill.

I think my favorite are the young chicken nuggets:

Have a look at the rest of the art works they are fantastic!

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Sunday, August 17, 2008

No suits allowed

This article in the SMH talking about exlusive members only clubs in the UK made me laugh.

Apparently for many of the new uber cool clubs 'bankers' or people who wear suits are not invited to join.

They interviewed a few 24 year old 'bankers' who were mystified why they with their big pay packets were not allowed to join the club.

And apparently the 'banker' in question said he wouldn't really want to join because he wasn't cool enough to talk to anyone!

He really put his foot in it when he said that they clubs were interested in arts not money, OMG how clueless do you have to be?

Money does not equal style or cool!

It's fantastic it really is, to be cool you have to stop thinking about being cool and just have your own style!

The reason why these clubs deny entry is because the London banking jobs expect their employees to behave, dress and think in a certain way.

By the same token though the clubs themselves are encouraging sameness, to the point that one has a Damien Hirst in the foyer.

Now if that isn't main stream culture accepting what was once fringe art I don't know what is!

As Oscar Wilde once famously said "I wouldn't want to be a member of any club that wanted me as their member".
BTW the picture is a Damien Hirst installation of a Sheep in Formaldehyde, hideous but strangely enticing!

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

An interesting lesson in economics

A copper sculpture was stolen from a Penrith Gallery.

The sculture made of copper is insured for about $20,000 AUD, however the copper if smelted down is worth considerably more.

So the art work is 50 years old and as an artwork has less value than the copper.




Saturday, June 07, 2008

Some re-arranging

Peter Pan was in last night to see the hanging of the Warhol's and he decided to rearrange our entire art collection!

Much to my husbands despair the panel piece is now downstairs, although I have agreed to go back to the Artist and ask him to provide three additional panels for it that are slightly less 'in your face'.

Trash is now opposite the Warhol's and the entire downstairs has a Pop Art theme with the smaller works like the Chagall and Brennan are upstairs waiting to be grouped in a new way.

The impact downstairs is quite amazing, Peter Pan has considerable talent in the area (well he is one of Australia's leading art dealers) and has pulled everything together really well.

Now I have a blank spot on the wall where the Pro Hart was with two hooks...

What to do what to do!

Maybe a Lichtenstein or a Brian Jones?


Friday, June 06, 2008

Henson's work not obscene

The Crown Prosecuters have pretty much said that Bill Henson's work is not obscene and the images do not break any obscenity laws.

What a great victory for the arts world and the normal art lover.

And what a total kick in the teeth to Kevin Rudd, Morris Lemma, Miranda Devine, Karl Stefanovic, Channel Nine and all the rest.

From this I have lost any respect I may have had for Kevin Rudd. If this is how he will be reacting to contentious issues in the future I doubt he will have much life as a Prime Minister.


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Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Aint they grand!


William Yang

With all of the recent exposure of Bill Henson's photography I was reminded of my love of photography and in particular of the Australian Photographer William Yang

I first fell in total love with his work when he was featured in the Blue magazine in the nineties, especially the portraits where he writes the events and circumstance of the photo.

In fact we wandered to one of the galleries in Paddington, where we saw a few works which I liked but also found out how much the work above is, and now I have another desire to add a photograph to my obsessive collecting!

Anyway I am off to do some more obsessing!

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Monday, June 02, 2008

Henson Photographs have been cleared by the Classificiation Board

The recent furore over the Photography of Bill Henson has had some serious cold water sprayed on the right wing liberals vitriol.

The Classification board has classified the images in questions as:

"G" or "very mild..


Let's see what happens next in this ridiculous thought police style attack on the art establishment....

Did you know that Robert Mapplethorpe's work caused the same furore when it was exhibited years and years ago? These days his work is considered some of the most important photography of his era!

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Sunday, June 01, 2008

Brian Jones new Work

I have been fascinated by Brian's work before especially the FUCK work so I was fascinated to get an email with an offer for his latest work titled, The Withdrawal Method. Cool huh!

I'm not really in the market for any more art right now as I still have three of the Sunday B Morning Warhols to sell, but this was very cool and very topical.

You can visit Brian's Website here.


Saturday, May 31, 2008

Adults overboard in the frenzy to sniff out smut

Elizabeth FarrellyMay 28, 2008

By the time John Howard finally shuffled off he was an embarrassment even to his fans, like the wedding present you're dying to give to the school fete but daren't, just in case. The relief, across the country, was palpable, a sighing of land after rain. At last, it seemed, we had a leader to walk forward, not back. A leader who would tell the truth, eschew war, pluck refugee children from the rising tides of climate change and not embarrass us on the international stage.

For an instant or two, as Kevin '07 scolded China in her own language, the optimism persisted. Then, the rot. First it was the supremely daft Peter Garrett, tramping his ministerial Doc Martens all over the fledgling solar industry by means-testing the photovoltaic subsidy. Next, the budget allocation of more dollars, sooner, to the nonsense of clean coal than to renewables.
And then, embarrassment, with the ghost of decades past again making global headlines: police raids on Sydney galleries, artists in the dock. The thin blue line knotting itself once again around art. And why? It's like that joke. A man on the psychiatrist's couch sees, in ink blot after ink blot, nothing but sexual imagery. A butterfly shape looks like testicles, a hilly mountain-scape like a rollicking bedroom scene, and so on. But when the shrink delivers his verdict - you, sir, are a sex fiend - the man is indignant. "What?" he huffs. "But you're the one drawing the dirty pictures!"
This underpins the Henson case. Who's drawing the dirty pictures here?

But let me come clean. I don't much like Henson's work. I find it cloying and slightly disturbing. Treacly. Unnecessarily Norman Lindsayesque. This I share with Morris Iemma, Frank Sartor and Kevin Rudd. But that's where the common ground ends. Unlike them, I know that individual dislike, or even general disgust, isn't the point.

Never since the Medicis has art's main job been to please. When in 1865 the furore over Manet's defiant whore, Olympia, caused armed guards to be stationed outside the Paris Salon; when Duchamp's 1917 Fountain, an off-the-peg ceramic urinal, was ridiculed as both obscene and plagiaristic; when Andres Serrano's 1989 Piss Christ caused outrage in Europe (and closure in Melbourne) despite being declared "not blasphemous" by Sister Wendy Beckett: through all those furores our culture and our lives were enriched.

Art has undeniable moral content, but it's not the simple "thou shalt not" kind of moralising so beloved of churchmen and politicians. Art's moral role is exploratory, speculative and playful, more concerned with the poetics of contradiction and paradox than with mundane decoration, convention or instruction. Which is why art's freedom underpins civilisation. And why offence, moral or aesthetic, cannot be the test. Erase every offensive building in this town and there'd be a lot of new space. No, when moral leaders can describe women as "uncovered meat" and remain at large, offence is clearly not a decider.

To delete what offends is the mark of tyranny. Protecting what offends you, on the other hand, guards free speech. As Evelyn Beatrice Hall wrote, paraphrasing Voltaire, "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Action, of course, is different from speech. We do not protect freedom of action, especially when there is deliberate harm. But art, even visual art, is closer to speech than action. Manet's Olympia was considered pornographic not for her nudity, but for her unashamed prostitute status; for daring to make comment. This underlies Kenneth Clark's famous distinction between the naked and the nude; the nude being a message bearer, not just an unclad body.

Still, Henson's detractors look for harm caused by his pictures: harm to his subjects (which they, and their parents, deny); harm to children generally; harm, as it were, to public morality. This underlies Rudd's "let kids be kids" comments and Iemma's blather about moral codes and decency. As though a latent pedophile might enact his fantasies only after popping into a Paddington art show for inspiration.

In truth, however, pedophilia pervades society, ban or no ban. We habitually accept the sexualising of children - in advertising, television, beauty pageants and talent shows - as entirely normal.

We know that pedophilia thrives less on public erotica, offensive as such advertising is, than on secrecy masked as decency. We know it exploits children's innocence, not their sexuality, and that it flourishes in the very vestries, boudoirs and private offices of the respectable.

The Henson witch-hunt may yet become Labor's "children overboard" affair. One effect of which, if Henson weren't already world famous, would be to make him so, without affecting the child abuse figures one iota. And bear in mind that party signing itself "Yours, disgusted" on this is the party that closed ranks for months around its own ministerial rock spider Orkopoulos. Now that's disgusting. Almost as bad as living in a town where all art must be pre-approved by the Rudd, Iemma, Sartor triumvirate and all policy pre-approved by the coal industry. Who's drawing the dirty pictures now?

To delete what offends is the mark of tyranny. Protecting what offends you, on the other hand, guards free speech. As Evelyn Beatrice Hall wrote, paraphrasing Voltaire, "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Action, of course, is different from speech. We do not protect freedom of action, especially when there is deliberate harm. But art, even visual art, is closer to speech than action. Manet's Olympia was considered pornographic not for her nudity, but for her unashamed prostitute status; for daring to make comment. This underlies Kenneth Clark's famous distinction between the naked and the nude; the nude being a message bearer, not just an unclad body.

Still, Henson's detractors look for harm caused by his pictures: harm to his subjects (which they, and their parents, deny); harm to children generally; harm, as it were, to public morality. This underlies Rudd's "let kids be kids" comments and Iemma's blather about moral codes and decency. As though a latent pedophile might enact his fantasies only after popping into a Paddington art show for inspiration.

In truth, however, pedophilia pervades society, ban or no ban. We habitually accept the sexualising of children - in advertising, television, beauty pageants and talent shows - as entirely normal.

We know that pedophilia thrives less on public erotica, offensive as such advertising is, than on secrecy masked as decency. We know it exploits children's innocence, not their sexuality, and that it flourishes in the very vestries, boudoirs and private offices of the respectable.

The Henson witch-hunt may yet become Labor's "children overboard" affair. One effect of which, if Henson weren't already world famous, would be to make him so, without affecting the child abuse figures one iota. And bear in mind that party signing itself "Yours, disgusted" on this is the party that closed ranks for months around its own ministerial rock spider Orkopoulos.

Now that's disgusting. Almost as bad as living in a town where all art must be pre-approved by the Rudd, Iemma, Sartor triumvirate and all policy pre-approved by the coal industry. Who's drawing the dirty pictures now?


My Own personal thoughts on this are clear, I am disgusted by the 'Wowsers' of society who have decided what is art and what is not, are we now entering a totalitarian state?

Is the art on my own wall considered to be child pornography?

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Thursday, May 29, 2008

This is just getting ridiculous!

Now Henson net cast over the web

Online photographs used by media websites to report on the investigation into Bill Henson have been referred to the Classification Board, the Minister for Home Affairs, Bob Debus, said.
ACT Police are also assessing at least 79 Henson photographs held in Canberra galleries as the investigation into the artist widens.

"Several online images of Bill Henson photographs from media websites reporting on the exhibition at the Rosyln Oxley9 gallery in Sydney have been referred to the Classification Board," he said.

They were referred to the board by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), which investigates complaints about online content.

"They do not involve content published online by the Oxley gallery as the gallery voluntarily removed images from its website last week," Mr Debus said.

The Classification Board does not classify art exhibitions but classifies some publications including pictures published online.A spokeswoman for Mr Debus would not name the websites involved.The director of the National Gallery of Australia, Ron Radford, was reportedly questioned last night over the gallery's collection of 79 photographs, all of which were in storage.
Police said inquiries related to child pornography.No photos were seized in yesterday's raids on the NGA and other Canberra galleries.

"If we determine there are offences disclosed, then we will go through the process of seizing whatever needs to be seized in order to prove the offence," a police spokesman said.
Photos held in storage were subject to as much scrutiny as hanging works because child pornography charges included possession, he said.

"If you're in possession of child pornography, whether you have it on your computer and whether you view it or not, that's an offence."

Inquiries continue after raids on galleries in Sydney and Newcastle.


I thought the bad old days of the Howard era wowsers was over, but obviously we are in the grips of a 'moral' stupidity.


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Monument to Gays Persecuted by the Nazis is innaagurated in Berlin

The monument was designed by Danish artists Michael Elmgreen and Ingar Dragset who have been collaborating as an artist duo for over ten years.

From DB Artmag:

Beneath the wood is a massive 83-ton cement stele, the Monument to Homosexuals Persecuted During National Socialism, which has not yet been inaugurated. A short time ago, the carefully packed monument was brought from its production site in Munich to Berlin and raised by a special crane onto its designated spot. Now, the oversized moving crate looks somewhat surreal in the Prussian park landscape. But there was a "ceremonial atmosphere" when it arrived, according to Michael Elmgreen.

The wooden crate is opened on one side, exposing concrete treated in a dark color and an inlaid window that provides a view of a video projection inside the massive slab. Here, one sees a scene that repeats itself in one-and-a-half-minute loops: two young men in a park, immersed in a tender conversation interrupted again and again by a kiss. The video will be shown for two years, after which it will be replaced with a work by another artist. The reason for this changeover, which was not part of the original plan, was the massive criticism the monument was subjected to prior to its realization. It was alleged that lesbians were not adequately represented by the images.

"We weren't concerned with providing a definitive answer to the representation of homosexuality," says Elmgreen, and adds that the artists are more than happy with a change of video every two years.

In any case, the idea of a continuous renewal fits in well with Elmgreen's & Dragset's idea of a living memorial.


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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Art or Child Pornography?

The picture above is by an Australian Photographer Bill Henson whose work has been at the centre of huge controversy in the last week.
His photography of boys and girls between 12 - 13 has bought condemnation from a wide variety of sources, including our new Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.
I saw him being interviewed where he called the works at the Rosyln Oxley Gallery as 'revolting' and the look on his face told me he had not even seen them.
I have seen some of the images that people are calling child pornography and I think they are some of the most beautiful evocative works I have seen.
These are not child pornography images, they are the artistic cultural equivalents of Botticelli, Normal Lindsay, Michelangelo etc.
I remember more then twenty years ago the original Superman movie has a scene where the young Superman just arrived from space picks up the car fully naked, nothing to the imagination.
That is full on frontal nudity, whereas these images are artistic photography.
It right royally pisses me off that these images of Henson's have been around for decades, yet all of a sudden they are 'child pornography', and what pisses me off even more is Kevin Rudd's reaction without even seeing the images.
I hope that this all just blows over and we can go back to enjoying this amazing artist's work and have a real discourse rather than a 'Oh My God will someone think of the Children' one sided argument.


Sunday, May 18, 2008

A real post not just pictures

It's been a really busy week, month, year so far.

The Warhols have been a hugely fun diversion from work and I have now sold 4 of them which means I only have three more to sell

If anyone would like to buy a Sunday B Morning screen print of Marilyn Monroe get in contact with me.

I am pretty amazed actually at the whole experience and the fact that I have essentially covered my costs by selling the four, but I will need to concentrate and sell the final three to make myself a profit and perhaps buy some new art?

Margeaux who has bought the gorgeous black / grey one did make a comment about my art collecting being far more organic and personal than my original 'I would like" list...

Anyway enough of Art LOL.

The puppy is getting better and even has the cone of silence off now as she has stopped chewing at her back paw. She still has another ten days or so on the antibiotics and anti-histamines but we are hoping that much of the problem with her paw will go away.

Work is really full on this year, more so than ever before, but I feel that I am moving forward now and not either just treading water or trying to catch up.

The whole six month plan that I put in place last year has been blown out by about 6 months... And I am in the process of re-working the strategy anyway to take advantage of the changes.

But all in all I am still moving towards the end goals that I set in place last year.

I am very excited because in the coming weeks I am back to focusing on some strategic stuff that I have not been able to get done due to the piles and piles of work that I have been trying to get through.

When people talk about 'turning a corner' I can really relate to that concept right now. I feel like I am just on the edge of that corner. I can see the street and I am just pivoting around, not quite there yet, but definitely moving around.

The down side of working so hard has been a consistent lack of quality sleep, I am not stressed per se, but I have huge amounts of stuff on my mind, stuff like planning lists, doing work etc, not stressful stuff just a mind that is busy.

The problem with bad sleep patterns means I have had a head cold on and off and have not been getting to the gym more than a couple of times in the last few months.

It's silly because I know that exercise is exactly what my body and mind need right now, but when you feel even slightly under the weather (allergies included) the last thing you feel like doing is going to the gym right?

However I can feel myself getting, older, flabbier and less and less in shape.

At least I walk everywhere so I am getting some exercise but not the exercise I need.

It just occurred to me that as busy as I am I am less obsessed about my body shape which is both a good and bad thing.

I need to find a better balance between everything, or find a way to be in three or four places at once...

So there is a huge wrap up instead of the constant stream of hot boys and obsessive art posts.

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Thursday, May 15, 2008

They arrived

The screenprints arrived today and like a kid at Christmas I couldn't wait to open them.

I am so not disappointed, the colours and just amazing and vibrant and the depth of the screenprints is quite breathtaking. You can see each of the paint layers as they have been applied to the board.

The pictures do absolutley no justice to these pieces (as normally is the case).

Now I just have to choose the three we want and get them framed!


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Banksy and ohers do Leake Street London

Czechout has take some amazing pictures of the Guerrilla art in Leake Street London have a look at the pictures in his blog entry.

One of the things I love about Banksy is the fact that the art is often transitory and won't generally last forever!

And if you don't know about Banksy you can read a short Article on Sky News about Banksy.

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Sunday, May 11, 2008

They are mine!

My obsession over art knows no bounds, and after my post the other day on the Andy Warhol, Marilyn Monroe Sunday B Morning screen prints I spent half of last week both obsessing and researching.

It started off with an unsuccessful bid for them at an Auction in London on Wednesday where a set went for 40% over the price I was prepared to pay.

Then as I did more research and hunting I found a couple of entire sets in various parts of the USA.

I started negotiating on two of them through two different galleries (just to get the best price) and discovered that both galleries were representing the same place. So we cut out the middle men and did a deal.

So sometime toward the end of the week maybe early the week after I will get a set of ten Andy Warhol Marilyn Monroe Screen prints.

We have decided to keep three of them, 27, 31 and most likely 23.

A friend has agreed to buy two so I have another five which I will most likely frame and then sell on consignment through a few galleries.

I have realised that my collection seems to be growing nothing like my desired art work listing back here, but with pieces like Trash - Silent Witness and the Panel Piece that I finally hung the other day the collecting seems to be taking an unusual and interesting turn.


Wednesday, May 07, 2008

This is the Panel Piece finally Framed

This is the piece I have had for about 7 years which has never been framed. I finally picked up the framed piece yesterday and I have to say I love it!

The black borders around each panel are just perfect and really help frame each panel.

My favorite is the small yellow panel with the stick figure of the boy....

It reads:

When I was 9 or 10 some guy picked me up in Central Park and took me home, He
took a polaroid of me sitting naked in a chair, it didn't show my face so I let
him keep it.

If you are an art conisseur you will notice all range of famous artists works in the panels, who do you see and what do you think of it?

The work was done by a mate of mine Rodney Love, who has a fantastic eye for the macabre and confronting which he does so well.


Monday, May 05, 2008


I am still obsessed by Art and my obsession was placed into overdrive over the weekend when I came across an entire set of the Sunday B Morning editions of Marilyns (10 to a set) for auction.
I am considering buying them, keeping the ones I want and framing and selling the others....
Anyone want to buy a Warhol Screenprint of Sunday B Mornings?


Thursday, April 03, 2008

I admit it I am obsessed

I was wondering last night just how much it would cost to get my hands on a Warhol, an original painting, signed screenprint or a fabulous Brillo Box

I did some research and found a couple of reputable galleries who sell limited edition screenprints numbered and signed and also found some guidelines for sales of Andy's work.

It would seem that the most a Warhol has sold for is just under 12 Million USD for an original campbells soup can painting and about $4.5 Million for an original Liz Taylor painting.

A Brillo Box could set you back anywhere between $50k - 250K depending on who you believe, but be beware there is a 20 million dollar lawsuit with claims 250 of them were created 3 years after Andy died!

A limited edition screenprint of say one of my favorites - Campbells Chicken Soup will set you back somewhere between $5 - 10K or maybe a bit more.

But beware it's estimated that up to 20% of the works on the market are fakes (sounds like most artwork really). So now I just have to decide how I get what I want!


Friday, March 28, 2008

Trash is installed!

We tried a few places but in the end decided the new Trash Art Work Silent Witness should go at the end of Kitchen. And if my elderly parents ask... it's above the Trash Can!
I have another POP ART panel piece from a friend Rodney Love (I designed his website years ago and he did a n artwork for me) that I need to have framed and installed, but I have not had the inclination yet...
And apart from that the boy has a seriously bad reaction to some of the pieces, like 'I just wanna die with a big cock in my mouth'.
But it will be hung and a home found for it!


Saturday, March 22, 2008

Warhol by David Bourdon

When I was in Brisbane Last week I did buy this book on Warhol, so far I have only had time to read about 25% of it and am hoping that I will ahve more time this weekend!

You can buy it at Amazon


I found this artist's work from Mocolo pretty cool huh, more of Martina Nehrling's work here.


Friday, March 14, 2008

Silent Witness by Simon Lovelace

I had seen this artwork in the gallery with nothing else in the gallery for the last few days as I walked by an my way to and from the office in blankspace.

Today on my rush home from the office they were setting up the exhibition and I wandered in. The piece I like was an amalgamation of two works, one a lamp with the word "Trash" and the other called "Silent Witness".

I just loved it so much and negotiated so well it's mine!

When the exhibition closes in two weeks I will find somewhere to hang it.

It's by an artist called Simon Lovelace and it's cute and perfectly suits me and my current art mood! It's kind a mix of Lichtenstein meets grunge! And since I have such a fetish for lights it is even better (Trash is a raised perspex with a pink neon light underneath)

I have seen his work before and thought it was fun then so now I have!


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Busy Start to the Week

I have been flat chat the last few days at work and have had little time to do much other than work.

I am loving the new office like crazy, it's great to be back in a fun and very groovy environment again. The dogs are very funny to watch and I will have to get some pictures of them playing together when I get a chance.

It is however only five days till Gay Christmas, otherwise known as Mardi Gras and I am excited beyond belief. Although I am just a tad nerbous about the intended scope of partying...

So Saturday night we throw a Mardi Gras Parade Party at home, then we are off to the Mardi Gras parade whic is well and truly sold out. I had a quick look on ebay and some tickets are selling in excess of $450 a ticket! (strike that there are two tickets for $1025 dollars)

Then on Sunday we are off to Toybox, then off to Homesexual with Offer Nissim on Sunday night and will either collapse in bed sometime early Monday or will end up at some salubrious joint like Phoneix Rising.

I dare say there will be (or is intended to be) sleeping at some stage between each party - well that's the current plan anyway!

So there is huge amounts still to be organised and I don't have a thing to wear!

And I do think that London Preppy should have come with his friend Donnell to join the week of gay frivolity too!

On a nice note my Lewis Payton signed cards arrived today and I have had a quick look. While the photographs are stunning two small things have disappointed me:

1) Only one of the cards is signed;
2) the quality of the prinitng leaves a bit to be desired.

But for $39.95 USD what can you expect?

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Office Living

It's a bit weird working back in the middle of an office environment again.

For one thing it's very noisy and having worked in formal offices most of my adult life working in this sort of 'creative' space office will take some time to get fully used to.

Mind you I am enjoying myself quite a lot even if there will be a getting used to it time period.

On the not sleeping issue I did take a sleeper last night and had a much better nights sleep which was fantastic although I decided to sleep in till almost 8am this morning which is unheard of for me!

The down side of that was that I was in the office much later than I would normally like to be and so I am a good hour out of wack!

I have to look for a large piece of decorative art to go behind me on the wall a bit like the one I got for Christmas at home. But I want something in blue I think, but definitely not some ugly ocean scene hahaha.

The cutest thing about the office is watching Mabeline and Lucy play together, and most of the time they actually go and sleep in their respective beds which is fantastic. There is always a bit of posturing at first and they have a good play when they first see each in the morning. But apart from that they are very much behaving!

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Sunday, February 17, 2008

Addition to the art collection desires

I seem to be rather fixated at the moment on the art issue... and I have been doing a lot of searching, browsing and reading on cool contempary artists.

I had seen Brian Jones Work before but had not paid much attention till I saw some of his more recent work and especially the piece below entitled 'fuck'.

It's very cool and very very naughty and in your face just the way I love it!

The original painting was done in 2005 and then a limited edition of 50 giclee prints was done in a far more vibrant colour.

I did notice that the Opus Gallery was offering the print for 215 GBP while the artist himslef is selling the print for 250 GBP.

I would be facsinated to know how much the original painting was purchased for though if a limited edition giclee print is so affordable. And it does present an interesting question about what to collect, do you only collect original art works which limits the number of artworks you can buy and the artworks themsleves. Or do you establish a collection with signed limited editions? Food for thought

Some of his other works that I like are below.


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Oops I've done it again

I came across this limted signed Print Set from Lewis Payton on A Different Light Book Store's website and decided I just had to have them. And at $39.95 USD it' s cheaper than I could get in Australia too!
Lewis Payton is one of my favorite photographers (not in my dream art collection list but still a favorite photographer) and does some incredible work. I found this because I was looking at other signed copies of Joe Phillips works on the website after ordering the Joe Phillips book For the Boys the other day.
The pack includes a selection of ten images from Paytons portfolio featuring Rusty Joiner, Sean Harley and Ryan Darharsh, signed and delivered.
I have no idea what I will do with these, as I already have lots of signed small prints and photographs which I have collected from emerging artists which I don't know what to do with now!
I suppose let's just collect it and catalogue it!


Monday, February 11, 2008

Signed Joe Phillips Picture Book

After doing my mammoth Dream Art Collection post and revisiting a whole lot of my favorite artists.

I came across a clearance sale for signed copies of Joe Phillip's book For the Boys. So when something that cool comes along what's a boy to do?

Buy the bloody book of course!

That's what!

So in a few weeks I should have a nicely signed book of Joe Phillip's work.

Mind you I remember a few years back he was doing a book of real people and you could send in a picture and he would do a rendition of the picture for you and the book (much like Andy Warhol and The Factory portraits).

I was looking through his site to see whether he still does this sort of stuff because these days I think that could be really cool!

I might just have to email him and ask.

Years ago I did a review on his work and had a whole lot of emails back and forwards, which was way cool!

And in other news my Tom Cruise An Unauthorised Biography arrived today, considering it's offically 'banned' in Australia I am really stoked to have the copy!


My Dream Art Collection

After my post the other day I started to think about my own legacy. But I also started to think about which artists I would like to have an original artwork from in my 'Dream Collection.

Now many of these artists, original works are already in the hundred's of thousands if not millions of dollars in value. But some of them you can still pick up original artworks at reasonable prices, and you can always buy signed limited editions of each for realistic prices.
Also for many of the photographers there are amazing limited edition signed books that are available for purchase and collecting, although I think any of those books would be kept out of reach of small furry beagles!

So I have assembled a list of Artists (in no particular order) and a small smattering of each of their works. The images here are not meant to be the actual artworks I like, more a representation of their works.

Julian Opie

Marc Chagall


Howard Arkley

Keith Haring
Andy Warhol
Roy Lichtenstein

Joe Phillips

Todd Goldman

Robert Dickerson
Scott Redford
Charles Blackman

John Olsen
Gilbert and George Pierre et Gilles
Arthur Boyd

Hannah Hall

Justine Smith

David Larwill


Herb Ritts

Bruce Webber

William Yang

David La Chappelle


Gary Myers

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