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sometimes blue
DrewI am a thirty something married gay boy living in Sydney, almost on top of the gay scene but not in it! Why Sometimes blue?, because I love blue, but also I am sometimes blue :)
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Sunday, May 11, 2008

They are mine!

My obsession over art knows no bounds, and after my post the other day on the Andy Warhol, Marilyn Monroe Sunday B Morning screen prints I spent half of last week both obsessing and researching.

It started off with an unsuccessful bid for them at an Auction in London on Wednesday where a set went for 40% over the price I was prepared to pay.

Then as I did more research and hunting I found a couple of entire sets in various parts of the USA.

I started negotiating on two of them through two different galleries (just to get the best price) and discovered that both galleries were representing the same place. So we cut out the middle men and did a deal.

So sometime toward the end of the week maybe early the week after I will get a set of ten Andy Warhol Marilyn Monroe Screen prints.

We have decided to keep three of them, 27, 31 and most likely 23.

A friend has agreed to buy two so I have another five which I will most likely frame and then sell on consignment through a few galleries.

I have realised that my collection seems to be growing nothing like my desired art work listing back here, but with pieces like Trash - Silent Witness and the Panel Piece that I finally hung the other day the collecting seems to be taking an unusual and interesting turn.



At Sun May 11, 06:51:00 PM EST, Blogger Snickers said...


I know how much you wanted to aquire one so thats great news xxx

At Mon May 12, 07:19:00 AM EST, Blogger Superdrewby said...

Thanks Honey!

Want to buy one of the remaining 5?


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