It’s the mantra of the Christian and they like to intone in their best Jerry Farwell voice.
It’s against nature for us to wear clothes. It’s against nature for us to use a toilet instead of doing what the animals do. Where do animals go to the bathroom? Wherever they have to, whenever they feel the urge. It’s against nature to get into a machine made of tin and drive it down the road at 60 to 80 miles an hour. It’s against nature to build buildings into the clouds. It’s against nature to get into a 60 ton machine and hurl yourself through the air thirty-thousand feet off the ground, at 600 miles per. It’s against nature to marry one person and live with that person for the rest of your life (know of any animals that do that?). It’s against nature to watch HBO and drive up to a window and order processed beef byproducts called hamburgers. It’s against nature to cut into a person and slice away cancer cells with light. It’s against nature to get pregnant using artificial methods when it’s already been shown that you can’t have children. All these things are things that we don’t do naturally, so why is it okay to do them now? The very fact that we’re human is beyond anything that nature could have imagined. We are the only creatures on earth to be given the ability to reason, to think, and to hold ourselves accountable for our actions. We are the only creatures who can manipulate our environment, who can build civilizations and govern ourselves (okay, theoretically govern themselves).
That’s part of what makes us unique as humans. We have an ability to do things that maybe aren’t in our nature: such as fly in airplanes and send men to the moon. If you look at the animal kingdom (as many Christians want to do in trying to prove that nature doesn’t behave this way), you will also find that there are many animals that don’t have families. Most animals mate, and then the males of the species disappear and the mother is left to fend for herself. In some species, the mother even disappears soon after the young are born or hatched. Some mothers eat their young, some animals prey on other animals.
Not every sheep is born white. Some white cats have black spots. Some black cats have white spots. Wolves have very distinctive patterns. Trees and plants have different patterns. That’s natural. The fact that some people would be gay or lesbian is a testament to nature and her love for diversity. Nothing in nature looks one-hundred percent like its counterpart, even at its most basic structure, the DNA.
I’ve often wondered if maybe homosexuality wasn’t nature’s way of slowing down the population so that she could guarantee enough room for everybody. As the old Jewish saying goes, “God makes more people, but he doesn’t make more land.” And right now, with the population of the planet expanding exponentially, aside from a major disaster, this is how nature’s going to have to slow the population. If she had to do it another way, it would be more drastic and more violent. I prefer this way. So in that sense, we may even be saving the planet.
So my response here is that “Nature has her own plan, and it’s not my job to tell here what that is. Instead, accept the flow. After all, I don’t see Nature singling out any group of people for any reason. She support all equally. All evil in the world is brought about by people/hate, not by Nature.”
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In the beginning God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!