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columns, advice & rants

Articles, Rants and Advice

These articles have been written by me and other people on a wide variety of topics and issues that they and I I feel strongly about. Some of them have been written in response to questions or issues that have been brought up by others. If you would like to comment on these or would like to add your own article use the Online Submission Form.

Because I don't agree with homosexuality doesn't mean I am HomophobicBecause I don’t agree with Homosexuality doesn’t mean I’m Homophobic!
We like to think that we live in a scientific age, but for many groups this is just too big of a step to take just yet. Science has changed the way we see the world in just about every way. When the Bible was first written, there was no Internet, there were no history books for research, and most of the people (about 97%) were illiterate. An argument against Homophobes who just don't get it!

A Guide to Reparative TherapiesA Guide to Reparative Therapies
A unique insight into the world of ex-gays and the reparative "therapies" they promote. Written by Ben Tousely ex--ex gay author or Egypt Whay i left the ex-gay movement

The Gay Man's Instruction Guide By M.D. CraigThe Gay Man's Instruction Guide
M.D Craig the author of Ice Sculptures, has published the definitive guide for all gay men – The Gay Man’s instruction Manual. Something different for Craig, this is a guide for all of us who need some direction in our life, more than just what to wear out clubbing on a Saturday night.

Columns Rants & AdviceBlogs Blogs - The best of gay blogs
It seems everyone has a blog these days and you never know where to find the best blog. Superdrewby reviews a whole swag of smokingly hot gay porn blogs!