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Doll - Kevin Cahoon and ghetto cowboy
"Welcome to my life can I take your order?" - Drive Up

Doll - Kevin Cahoon and Ghetto CowboyBy Superdrewby March 2006

OK and now for something totally different, Kevin Cahoon is a Freaky Fag (his words) who was born 20 years too late, or maybe he is just camping us back into the seventies with his debut album Doll, Kevin Cahoon and the ghetto cowboy is a bit like INXS meets Boy George. With as much attitude and campy behavior as Michael Hutchence ever had.

But this boy is definitely a fag as he tells us over and over again in the title song "Doll - I am the freak, I am the fag, I am the weirdo one you couldn't understand". This is the ultimate coming out song. And just for good measure you have to see the video to believe it! All I can hope is that he told his folks he was a "fag" before they heard this song!

I get the feeling that the very glam Kevin is into straight boys with my favorite song of the entire album "mr. curious; - where is your girlfriend?, always knocking on my door … want some more".

 Kevin Cahoon in full campy flight!

Kevin may look like a little boy wearing makeup but he has a nasty edge! Fresh from a stint on Broadway where he has been playing the Child catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and then performing live with the band afterwards he has certainly made a splash of color on the music industry!

After listening to his music and reading the names of his songs (bitch, fashionista, mr curious) I wanna slap on some gold hot pants, slap on some rouge and lipstick and go clubbing with him!

Kevin Cahoon - I so wanna Kiss you all over!Seriously though, this is a very fun and catchy album. I haven't been able to stop listening to it on my Ipod ever since I got it! So come one come all find that straight boy that follows you and call him mr. curious!

It makes you proud to be camp! So honey go get your girlfriends, you handbag and go and pout your way to school and take no prisoners!

Track Listing

  1. doll
  2. fasionista
  3. bitch
  4. good time gone bad
  5. saved by the beauty
  6. mr. curious
  7. could I have this dance
  8. star ballad
  9. mirrorball prophecy

So mr Cahoon, when I'm next in the States are you going to take me clubbing and let's see who has the bigger handbag?

And now go and buy this album right now! You must or Kevin will come round your place and pout!