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sometimes blue
DrewI am a thirty something married gay boy living in Sydney, almost on top of the gay scene but not in it! Why Sometimes blue?, because I love blue, but also I am sometimes blue :)
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Monday, September 03, 2007

More Bloggers Meetings

On the weekend we were invited to Margeaux's repeated 27th Birthday party which was a total hoot! The party was great fun as you can see above both Margeaux and I were most definitely a few sheets to the wind.
In fact I was told off twice for being rowdy.
In incident one I put my butchest voice on and screamed at some friends down on the street, Unfortunately I didn't realise that a security guard was downstairs and I was told off twice, once by the security guard and the second time by the host :)
The second incident involved me throwing ice off the balcony - I just have no idea what came over me!
But maybe it was the great group of friends that Margeaux has that made me lose my common sense. The illustrious Nick from Californication was there too which is always a pleasure. I really do love eclectic groups of people at parties it's really cool to meet all types of people not just the 'regulars'.
And we will be seeing Margeaux at Homosexual this coming Thursday night too!
No if you are very lucky there is one of the worst picture of me ever on Margeaux's camera, it shows me in my campy silly self, hands in some horrible campy expression LOL, so if you need to see this hassle Margeaux LOL!
We are off to the Gold Coast today for a few days to escape the APEC madness and have a bit of R&R in between working from a different location.
My 3 Net connect card is plugged into my trusty Sony Vaoi, my mobile is charged and I am excited!
The puppy is in doggy day care at Rose's and has been there since yesterday afternoon and I miss the little miss already, but I know that she will be fine and happy!
So great weekend was had!

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At Mon Sep 03, 12:30:00 PM EST, Blogger Snickers said...

You threw ice off ther balcony? I missed that :)

It was great to see you and the Boy,

how do the 3 broadband cards go? I'm thinking about getting one but I know so many people complain about 3's phone service so wondering if they are any better with the internets?

At Mon Sep 03, 05:23:00 PM EST, Blogger Superdrewby said...

Oh yes indeed I threw ice at the homeless peole across the road, thank goodness though I throw like a girl and all it did was hit somewhere a metre or two past the balcony :(

Naughty bad Drewby

At Wed Sep 05, 12:33:00 PM EST, Blogger Brechi said...

Ah, nice page, I just discovered you. I'm always on the look out for more Sydneysiders ;)


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