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sometimes blue
DrewI am a thirty something married gay boy living in Sydney, almost on top of the gay scene but not in it! Why Sometimes blue?, because I love blue, but also I am sometimes blue :)
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Monday, August 27, 2007

Unhappy Puppy

We have a rather unhappy grumpy puppy this afternoon.

The beagle has been very grumpy of late (even more so than normal) and we noticed she was paying a lot of attention to one of her back claws. The boy took her to the vet today to check and not surprisingly the vet found a problem.

Her back dew claw was in fact fractured and was causing her immense pain.

So two veterinary assistants, the boy and the vet all holding down a snarly beagle the claw has been removed. But we now have an unhappy and very sore beagle lying on the sofa growling at anyone who goes near.

Poor thing she does not look happy!



At Mon Aug 27, 05:39:00 PM EST, Blogger Dan said...

Awww... and she's always so full of beans usually... sometimes to a fault :)

At Mon Aug 27, 06:26:00 PM EST, Blogger firstimpre55ion said...

Awww indeed! Poor Lucy! She looks so comfy though heh! Hopefully her paw gets better soon so she isn't more feistier than normal! :D

At Tue Aug 28, 12:31:00 PM EST, Blogger D.U.P said...

Awwww poor Lucy! Get well soon!!

At Wed Aug 29, 08:36:00 AM EST, Blogger Bobby Vanquish said...

Poor puppy! I too hope she gets well soon.


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