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sometimes blue
DrewI am a thirty something married gay boy living in Sydney, almost on top of the gay scene but not in it! Why Sometimes blue?, because I love blue, but also I am sometimes blue :)
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Monday, March 19, 2007

Sorting Through Objectives, Tactics and Targets

Working for yourself means that you need to constantly motivate yourself and at times this can be extraordinarily difficult.
Contrary to what most people think of me, I can be indecisive and un-focused at the best of times. Being in a smaller business you have to balance the need positive cash flow against the future growth strategy.
At the moment I am at a sort of cross roads, as there could be some significant change in situations in the short term, but there might not be too. So I have to plan for both roads forward which is difficult in itself.
It's extremely frustrating to sit down and try to write a set of both personal and business objectives whilst the immediate short term (an longer as well) is so variable.
I have a fairly good plan sketched out that takes advantage of both roads, but I know that in the medium term I must end up choosing one strategy and placing all the emphasis upon one business model.
I used to review eCommerce Business models for a large consulting company, and quite often I would be the main strategist on these models too. One of the clear success factors of most small businesses is their ability to focus on something and make a name for themselves in one business or ability.
My company and by default myself, have built a fantastic name in my field of what I do, and my company's software is very popular amongst our user base.
But I am now taking the software from a distributed installation model to what I think is the future, a centralised hub (SAAS) with only a tiny and easily controllable distributed application requirement.
Over the last few months I have been polling my existing clients, talking to people in the industry and obviously reviewing the competitors.
For the last three months the actually coding and development of the new software has been ongoing. But there are some pretty fundamental business model questions that are still not clear which have an impact on some of the work.
*Sigh I didn't mean this post to be a rant about frustration, but as you can read I am frustrated! I need time out, proper time out with no clients etc to map out on paper and the whiteboard all the business model options and outcomes
I need to be able to treat myself and my company like a client, but we keep on winning work, which means we don't have the time to focus on ourselves
I am thinking of refusing any new client projects for myself from starting in April and just using the month to focus entirely on the one thing!




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