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sometimes blue
DrewI am a thirty something married gay boy living in Sydney, almost on top of the gay scene but not in it! Why Sometimes blue?, because I love blue, but also I am sometimes blue :)
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Thursday, March 15, 2007

It's also the wildlife

Part of the charm of the Island we are staying at is the wildlife and in particular the birds.

There are hundreds of very cocky Cockatoos, an Australian Native bird which is pure white with a sulfur crest at the top of it's head.

These birds are incredibly cute but incredibly pushy, and they can be very destructive as anyone in Australia knows. We do have them in Sydney too, but up here at the Island they are a lot more tame and almost have a contempt for people that let's them really push the boundaries of being a wild animal.

They will swoop down on you as you eat outside and battle for your food, even if you are still eating off the table!

The other really very cute wildlife are the ducks which float around in the pool and then walk up and down the tables with people having lunch, checking for crumbs and other tasty morsels!

So we are on our way home now and in a few hours I can see the puppy in less than eight hours! I am so excited to see her. After a couple of days of eating drinking and generally being quite busy (it was a work / personal trip for us) I am looking forward to my own bed tonight!



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