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sometimes blue
DrewI am a thirty something married gay boy living in Sydney, almost on top of the gay scene but not in it! Why Sometimes blue?, because I love blue, but also I am sometimes blue :)
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Friday, March 09, 2007

My Puppy is going on holidays

Starting tomorrow the boy and I have a week of work related R&R, two days in a hotel in town and then four days on an Island in the Whitsundays.

But this is the first time i will have ever been apart from more then twenty four hours from Lucy the Beagle! It sounds ridiculous really, because I have a twelve year old cat whom I have left to go holidays hundreds of times.

But this is different, a dog is very much like a child, considering the beagle and I share so much time together (she comes to work with me every day too).

So what to do with a beagle who does not like being left alone for long (she chews anything from expensive chairs to her bed, the sofa etc).

The cat is easy, one of our friends will pop in every morning and night, changer her water, give her some food and attention. And if they are lucky she may deign them with her presence and sit on them and let them pat her.

That's just the way it is with the cat.

But the beagle! NO WAY could we leave the beagle like that! There would be nothing left of the apartment after the first day, and then she would probably chew her way through the front door and visiting the neighbours!

My sister offered to look after her, but the beagle is a huge handful and I don't want to inflict upon someone the beagles bad and naughty behaviour.

So we started looking around at dog kennels, but I wouldn't even send a dog I didn't like to one of those places! Imagine concrete floored cages with dogs in them, YUCK! And for a beagle who craves attention and is a pack animal that would be just plain mean.

One of our friends though recommended a Doggy Day Care Centre in Bronte. A lovely lady named Rose looks after a number f dogs for either day care or longer term care in her home and treats the dogs just like her own! They all get to play together, go for walks, sleep inside at night, get lots and lots of attention, so it's just like going on holidays for Lucy!

So tomorrow morning Lucy the beagle goes on holidays! I hope she enjoys herself!

oh and yeas the cat has pink safety claws in the picture!

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At Fri Mar 09, 12:26:00 PM EST, Blogger Not so Single Guy said...

That's so sweet. I'm sure you'll miss her!

At Fri Mar 09, 06:28:00 PM EST, Blogger D.U.P said...

Awww I Love Lucy!

She could have come and stayed with uncle D.U.P!! I'm sure she would have loved checking out all the hot boys on the building sites with me!

At Sat Mar 10, 02:19:00 AM EST, Anonymous Mark said...

Pink safety claws? Wtf

At Tue Mar 13, 12:09:00 PM EST, Blogger Shaney said...

Aweee they are both adorable....And I bet they will miss you...xoxo

At Thu Mar 15, 11:56:00 PM EST, Blogger Gus said...

LOL what an adorable beagle!
However, if you think she can be destructive, you should see what an 8-month old Labrador can do when he gets bored!
The boy and I have to give him constant attention, otherwise I think he'd chew the house down!

At Fri Mar 16, 09:02:00 AM EST, Blogger Superdrewby said...

Yes Pink Safety Claws to stop her from scratching the shit out of the furniture....

and Gus yes oh yes we have heard that labradors can be even worse heheheheheh



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