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sometimes blue
DrewI am a thirty something married gay boy living in Sydney, almost on top of the gay scene but not in it! Why Sometimes blue?, because I love blue, but also I am sometimes blue :)
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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The weekend's wrap up

So it's finally Tuesday and I am in the mood to start documenting what is the equivalent of gay Christmas in Sydney, the Mardi Gras season.

I must admit that this year's celebrations were different than other years for us. For me the week was a lot quieter than normal because of the wound on my leg which was still hurting and casuing me some grief, but in the main by the weekend it only hurt when I used my leg in certain ways.

We had decided that for the first time in seven years we were not going to do the Mardi Gras party and owuld instead do the Toybox party the next day.

We agonised over the decision, but with the police shut down of Azzure the weekend before and the general dismap at the dis-organisation and seemingly stupid decisions and comments of New Mardi Gras itself we were quite happy with our choice.

The New Mardi Gras organisation just seems to have lost their way and I do not feel they represent the community's best interests any more. Ever since the original Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras organisation went broke a few years back, the New Mardi Gras seemed to have lost the plot.

The parties last year, Sleaze & Mardi Gras were lack lustre and seemed to lack a special something. Personally I think that Mardi Gras things that because they are "Mardi Gras" they can get away with giving the punters less for their money.

Having been to a Toybox party at Fox Studios (the same venue as Mardi Gras and Sleaze) I cannot understand how the Mardi Gras parties are not as good!

But I digress really!

I had meant to go to the Sydney Bloggers meet Melbourne Bloggers on Friday night, but we ended up have unexpected guests from interstate for the weekend! It was really nice to have the boys from the sunshine state and it made the weekend all that more enjoyable!

As is our usual tradition we threw a Mardi Gras Parade Party on Saturday night at our apartment which overlooks the parade route. We had an amazing party and I only just remember crawling into bed at about 3am for a few hours of sleep before getting up and going to Toybox at Luna Park.

Now I must admit that I was slightly disappointed by the Toybox experience, it was a great party, but I just didn't like the venue all that much and found that there was not quite enough chill out spaces.

Who knows maybe I am just expecting too much from the parties! But I still think it was a much better party than Mardi Gras would have been for us!

After partying till about 8pm at Toybox we jumped in the gay bus (yes full of gay and lesbian revellers heading back into town (and no the bus was not named Priscilla LOL). Then we made a last minute decision to head out to Amazon Homesexual at Home Nightclub in Darling Harbor.

I must admit that I did not last long at this party. By about midnight the lack of food for twenty four hours was seriously catching up with me and my stomach was churning. So I headed home to bed.

So all in all a good weekend, great party at our apartment and loads of fun out and about!

Looking out on Oxford street today it looks like the Mardi Gras Parade never happened. It's sad really, I remember years gone by when the weeks before and the weeks after Mardi Gras Oxford Street was awash with people and colour.

I used to be such a support of Mardi Gras, but with the current organisational management and their weirdness I think they are destroying the vibe and the community spirit.



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