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sometimes blue
DrewI am a thirty something married gay boy living in Sydney, almost on top of the gay scene but not in it! Why Sometimes blue?, because I love blue, but also I am sometimes blue :)
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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Spam and Skype

We all accept spam in our emails, you know the ones to enlarge our penises, make us better lovers, make money at home etc.

Of late though I am getting huge amounts of spam from bots on my Skype account.

It's always 'sexy' women who want to have sexy chat with me.

Look I am all for sexy people to 'chat' with me but why can't it be Andreas Lundin wanting to have 'sexy' chat with me instead?

I saw him again the other day walking around the area, I swear he is the perfect guy. He looks great, he knows how to help you at the gym, he even speaks with an accent so it would be like having sex with subtitles too.

Seriously though, an anyone actually explain to me what these women or bots want when they chat? Are people seriously that stupid that they think some hit chick wants to talk just with them?


Monday, November 12, 2007

It's hard to concentrate at the gym when

This is working out in front of you and beside of you, OMG he is so hot!
Me thinks I need a personal trainer, checkout his personal training company's website

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Motivation & Timing

The last couple of months I have been slack as all hell at the gym. What with the workload, shorter days and a general tiredness of trying to fit everything in to the day I didnt really go to the gym more than once a week at the most for about three months.

The result of this is a definite increase in the old waist size and a general lack of fitness.

For the last few weeks though I have been back at the gym, certainly not as reguarly as I would like and I have not yet been really pushing myself for fear of overdoing it and pulling a muscle. But now I am starting to get back into the swing of things and have committed myself to get back to the gym and start working towards those fitness goals.

Of course it has nothing to do with the fact that next MOnday I will be turning 35, God Forbid no! I don't feel any older or wiser than I did ten years ago...

And it still feels like I am 25. Is this waht it's like getting older? You lose perspective on the years and it all starts to merge into one?

Who knows if that's what its like for everyone else, but it certainly does feel like that for me!

Back to the gym though and my warped body image issues though, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, oir just at the gym.

Something that offers extensive, and I mean extensive motivation to get to the gym.

Oh lordy me he is the absolute perfect specimin of a male, sexy, hot and seems both confident and vulnerable all at the same time.

And of course the fact that he is a nice guy well that just takes the cake!
So I have great eye candy, I mean motivation to go the gym and work out hard!

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