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sometimes blue
DrewI am a thirty something married gay boy living in Sydney, almost on top of the gay scene but not in it! Why Sometimes blue?, because I love blue, but also I am sometimes blue :)
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Monday, November 12, 2007

It's hard to concentrate at the gym when

This is working out in front of you and beside of you, OMG he is so hot!
Me thinks I need a personal trainer, checkout his personal training company's website

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At Tue Nov 13, 09:35:00 PM EST, Blogger Laurie said...

me thinks I will join you :D

At Wed Nov 14, 07:00:00 AM EST, Blogger Gabriel said...

i'd quit training there and then and head to my locker to get a pen and go back to him asking to sign some paperwork so you can start training together tomorrow.

At Wed Nov 14, 07:24:00 AM EST, Blogger Superdrewby said...

He was at the bloody gym again last night!

Ugh, at least it's amazingly good eye candy and motivation.

I also discovered that he is the personal trainer of a friend of mine too.

I think maybe I really do need to have him as a personal trainer, mayb eit would actually kick me into shape...

At Fri Nov 16, 04:06:00 PM EST, Blogger brenton said...

i've finally managed to catch a glimpse of his doodle a few weeks ago in the lockerroom. He was teaching spin classes on a Tuesday morning at my gym.
VERY nice.


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