Weekends are made for fun!
We seem to be quite social at the moment seeing people a lot, having dinners and generally having a lot of fun. It's a nice balance against the amount of work we both tend to do and the weekend just past was not exception.
On Sunday the boy went off to play paintball (gay team against straight team) and cam back covered in nasty welts and bruises, whilst I ended up with Nick at Phoenix for an hour on Sunday morning. Phoenix Rising is the new replacement for the day club Manacle which closed last month.
If you have ever been to a day club totally sober and having slept all night (and staying sober) you will know what a hoot it was.
It was actually a whole lot of fun and it's amazing who you run into at these sorts of things.
Then last night we went down to FagTag at the Opera Bar on Sydney harbor. This is the second time we have been to this event and every time we go I am reminded just how fun the event is but also just how beautiful Sydney Harbour is!
Anyway I have a huge week and my to do list looks like the list of lists it's so long so no long post today.
When I was looking for pictures for this I typed Opera Bar Sydney Fag into Google and I ended up with my image from last year as the number one Image Result!
Labels: sydney bloggers, weekend
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