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sometimes blue
DrewI am a thirty something married gay boy living in Sydney, almost on top of the gay scene but not in it! Why Sometimes blue?, because I love blue, but also I am sometimes blue :)
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I can't stand people who talk over you and don't listen

In my job I give high level support on the products we create which generally means walking people through some really simple steps such as:

  1. Log in using your email address and password
  2. Click Add Page
  3. etc etc

Our software is pretty easy to use, you do have to understand some basics but in general it's pretty easy.

Most of the support we give is over the telephone and it's done in steps so we can monitor what is happening and help as we go through the process.

I have just had the most annoying fucking client call ever!

Trying to step her through things she would talk over me, not let me explain things to her, jump ahead and click things she wasn't supposed to and generally drive me mad.

Until I finally told her "
please be quiet
and listen, I can't explain this to you if you will not listen

There was stone cold silence on the other end of the phone and the problem was fixed in less then thirty seconds.

She had already wasted 30 minutes of my time and her money (we charge for support over 2 hours in the first year).

My God these people drive me mad!



At Wed Aug 22, 03:10:00 PM EST, Blogger firstimpre55ion said...

OMFG...I feel you on that Drew! >:O Soo frustrating...hope you are well! Long time no talk!!! :(


At Fri Aug 24, 04:52:00 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you ever tried one of those services like Go To Assist or LogMeIn. We're using LogMeIn (IT Reach, I think) now and its great to screen share and speak with a client on the phone/VoIP/woteva to guide them through a task. It makes it a lot easier to have voice and a visual and the best thing is you can do it all from your own office.

We're flying down later this morning...will you be around?

-Bense :-)


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