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sometimes blue
DrewI am a thirty something married gay boy living in Sydney, almost on top of the gay scene but not in it! Why Sometimes blue?, because I love blue, but also I am sometimes blue :)
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Globalisation sucks!

I had the displeasure of having to call Dell to re-order some printer cartridges for my parents computer.

All I wanted to do was get some printer cartridges without having to use the website because I wanted expedited delivery which was not available online.

Like most global companies the call was redirected to somewhere that English is not the first language and I can tell my consultant's real name was not "Sam", but I cold tell he was most likely in India.

From the start of the call to the end of the call it was a nightmare.

I told him I wanted cartridges for a DEll 725 printer, but he insisted that I read him the serial number of the printer. I told him it's at home and I am in the office and couldn't I just tell him it's a 725 and get the cartridge?

After about ten minutes we finally got through all the bullshit and made the order (I was fuming by this point).

And the last thing he asks me is to rate his performance!

I mean hello!

I'm not going to tell him I think the whole process sucked and I wished I never had to talk to another of these bloody call centres in India again!

There is reason if they call me I hang up, I find them infuriating!


At Wed Aug 22, 08:47:00 PM EST, Blogger Sunshine said...

Try giving Citibank a call. I almost reached into the phone and strangled the guy on the other end.


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