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sometimes blue
DrewI am a thirty something married gay boy living in Sydney, almost on top of the gay scene but not in it! Why Sometimes blue?, because I love blue, but also I am sometimes blue :)
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Monday, August 20, 2007

Two degrees of Separation

The weekend was a huge event for us with lots of things to do and a huge Birthday party / clubbing and then recovery that went from Saturday night till Sunday night.

The party was for Chuckles (as his partner lovingly calls him cause he always has a smile on his face) and very unlike a gay party it was a Tupperware party! Yes a Tupperware party, and even further we did in fact purchase some new outdoor (read plastic) wine glasses for the roof.

Now before I get caned for having plastic wine glasses, there is nothing worse than having glasses blow over in a breeze and having broken glass around, especially with the beagle running around.

The party was hugely fun and we all ended up at The Bank hotel in Newtown, then a few hours later upstairs at the Midnight shift. Early (or late) in the morning we all traipsed over to try and get in Arq but by then they were no longer letting anyone new in so we tried the new club downstairs at the recently refurbished Oxford hotel.

This one was kind of OK, but as hot as all hell and we were really just killing time till Manacle opened around 7 am. Manacle has to be one of my favorite clubs, it's dark it's dingy and its always a recovery place with people that have generally been out all night and are still partying well into the next day.

By about ten am I had well and truly had enough and headed home for a sleep and what I thought was going to be the end of the day.

But no fear, the day was not over yet LOL!

After about four hours sleep Chuckles sms'd to tell us to come to a recovery at none other than Nick from Californication. Now this was was cool, and the whole two degrees of separation, Chuckles grew up with Nick in the same rural town in NSW, I kid you not!

In between acting disgracefully, drinking, watching the new episode of Kath and Kim and generally having a blast we even managed to keep it together to blog on Californication!

One really funny thing that Nick and I did discuss was the fact that he thought I was a pure and innocent based on what I write on my blog, I was stunned even amused, because I am anything but innocent. If I hadn't already been drunk I think I would have fallen over in astonishment.

Of course this led to a discussion on just how good / bad we actually are, but as we blogged yesterday any more details would just incriminate the guilty parties.

One nice thing from the weekend is that I am finally starting to feel that my diet is paying off, although I am feeling pretty body conscious at the moment due to an almost total lack of gym for the last couple of weeks and I feel tiny and i look like I have no muscles at all, my waist which was in serious danger of becoming huge has turned the tide and my abs are starting to reappear!

I have been really good on my eating habits and have almost totally swapped vodka for wine (although yesterday the boy and I did manage to get through four bottles of white wine.

So for the first time since going out for my Birthday last month I didn't feel quite so fat! I still have a Long way to go and I need to get back into the gym properly (I almost feel like I am shrinking and no just around my waist!).

My waist has gone done almost two belt buckles and the jeans I bought a month ago which fit perfectly are now sexily loose!

I am aiming to get back to my size 30-31 by the time I head overseas in late September.

So the weekend was a real blast and probably our last big weekend out for a while before we go away, or that's just what I think!
Oh and the piccy was stolen from Dan Murphy's Flickr account! and is of Manacle around Mardi Gras time.

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