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sometimes blue
DrewI am a thirty something married gay boy living in Sydney, almost on top of the gay scene but not in it! Why Sometimes blue?, because I love blue, but also I am sometimes blue :)
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Monday, February 19, 2007

Two weeks two weeks two weeks

Well it's less than two weeks now till I want my abs back, and I am not sure whether I will meet the target.

Yes I will be cardio 'ing' every day, slurping my diet pills Lipo 6 and generally being very good with my food, but I have no idea whether I will get rid of the final layer of fat hiding my poor abs.

I am kind of getting used to the Lipo 6 now and I am enjoying the extra kick from them in the mornings! The fat pinch test is definitely showing a dramatic difference in the fat, but until I can turn sideways and no longer have the "bump" I will not be happy in compulsive obsessive behavior!

Last night was the Sydney Bloggers meet up at the Tilbury. A blast was had by all who were there including: Brenton, NSSG, DG, Narcicus and more!

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At Mon Feb 19, 11:10:00 AM EST, Blogger NarcissusAU said...

Damn! I forgot to get hold of your shirt and check out your abs!!
Oh well, I guess Ill just have to corner you at MG while your wearing those footy shorts!

Was great meeting you last night, hopefully it will be the first of many times...

At Mon Feb 19, 12:25:00 PM EST, Blogger Not so Single Guy said...

It was great meeting you mate! thanks for coming. We'll organise another meet up in a few weeks!

At Mon Feb 19, 12:41:00 PM EST, Anonymous Alex said...

I guess I missed that memo... lol.

Although the whole "organise another meetup" makes me giggle.

At Mon Feb 19, 08:35:00 PM EST, Blogger D.U.P said...

Sounds like your meet went like clockwork! I think I might come up to the Sydney Meet next time!

At Tue Feb 20, 11:44:00 AM EST, Blogger Superdrewby said...

Yeah it was very coool meeting everyone!

and Narc, if you had tried to lift up my shrt I would have stopped you - the excercise is working but fuck it's happening slowly!



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