Update on Goings on
There have been a few hiccups with the server over the last week or so, for some reason the server decided to go down and most of the interactivity of the site went down with it, which was a bit of a pain inthe neck. Then late last week the DNS information ( the way your Internet Service Provider finds the site ) also fell over so people got a lot of errors on the site. But all that has been resolved I should hope by now. The problems have also meant that email sent to me has not been coming through either. I am once again receiving email properly so please keep it coming!
Bandwidth Theft
I have now started a weekly cycle of changing the name of the directories with images in them so that people cannot steal bandwidth from this site. I have sent out numerous emails to the worst offenders requesting they change their links to images so they are not stealing bandwidth, but amazingly no one has actually taken any notice. It really does annoy the crap out of me that people ignore polite requests, but the way I now handle this problem is effective and all they get is a broken image on their site. I will continue to change the directories, and am writing a script to do it automatically for me in the future as well, so i will not have to even spend te twenty minutes every week doing this!
Log in problems
There is a small problem with the login script from this page, if you are getting an error message wen trying to log in, then use the log in details from the members page. I hope to have this fixed today, but will have to wait and see.....
I am having issues with my computer and have been unable to do some things, especially updating the site with new content that i have at the moment, but i am planing on loading a whole lot of new content this Friday!
Oh and before I forget the next chapter of Life at a Private School is well underway and should be completed sometime this week!
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