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sometimes blue
DrewI am a thirty something married gay boy living in Sydney, almost on top of the gay scene but not in it! Why Sometimes blue?, because I love blue, but also I am sometimes blue :)
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Thursday, November 22, 2007

I Love Light!

I have a real thing for lights, no I mean a REAL obsession. From my bloom pot to my Austrian glass lights I love all sorts of really funky and cool lights.
One of my favorite things is furniture which double up as a light. I came across this idea for a bench and pot and I just fell in love!
If I had my way our roof terrace would be filled with glowing furniture lights!
You can buy all this stuff at Generate Design in Canada, so if anyone is looking for that cool present for me here are some ideas!


Thursday, August 09, 2007

The renovations continue

This week we will get the final two pieces of the current stage of the re-design and renovation of our apartment should conclude. The Poliform sideboard should arrive for downstairs and the new in built half wall book cases are being installed on Friday / Saturday.

This means that downstairs apart from the sofa which needs replacing in the long term or new cushions in the short term (due to beagle damage) is complete and we can start to complete other parts of the apartment. We also need ot do something about a long artwork for a wall but I want to have someting comissioned specifically for the wall or something done to my specification.

We did start the renovations of the second bedroom, this being where we had the faux faux white gloss sideboard and the half wall bookcases installed, but the rest of the room is now ripe for completion.

The three pieces above are what I am thinking for the upstairs room which doubles as our guest bedroom and the boy's gaming room (he has his xbox 360 and flat screen up there so he can retreat upstairs to blow things up).

So the Sofa is a Jasper White Leather Sofa;

The Table is a marble topped Saarinan Table which I love!

and finally the Arco Lamp which is such a classic.

Whilst I am not one hundred percent sure on the Arco, the otehr two are perfect for the space and would make it functional for the boy's gaming needs and more than adequate for guests when they stay over.

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Sunday, May 20, 2007

Staying still moving forward

For the last five months or so there has been much flux and uncertainty in our lives. I alluded months ago that something big was in the wings but I would not elaborate more.

Well the big thing was a potential move to San Francisco, which we are no longer pursuing. So for months and months we did not know whether we would be staying in Sydney or moving countries.

After much and I mean much discussion we have decided to concentrate on staying here. The boy was considering two promotions one based in San Jose and one based here, no points to the fact he has accepted the one staying here.

This has been a real challenge for me because I have had to start packaging up my company for a large scale move to the States or maybe stay. The strategy I have put in place is achievable in either country although it may take a few trips to the States for me to kick start the next chapter and secure my second round funding!

However this means that I finally get to complete and decorate our apartment! Yes I can finally finish this place and not feel like we are still living in between 'student chic' and high class, well kind of student chic.... well ok it was never that stylish more likely the furniture from our last place which didn't quite match the very modern new apartment!

So in keeping with this new and very exciting move forward (not backwards) we went shopping and have ordered the furniture for the apartment. I am so excited I am almost falling over myself!

Unfortunately we must wait between 8 - 12 weeks for the actual delivery of said furniture, but that's what happens when you order from Italy I suppose!

So the designers chosen are, Corbusier, Poliform, Starck and others!

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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Chairs & the art of decorating

We have been in the process of decorating our apartment ever since we moved in. We have done some decorating getting the new dining table and chairs and of course my sexy bloom pot.

We were looking at chairs over the weekend to go opposite the sofa so we can create a cosy place to sit when we have friends over. Currently everyone either sits on the long sofa or we all end up at the dining table.

We have gone through many and various ideas over the last year, from the idea of having square fabric cubes to having a corbusier chaise, to the current idea the Le Corbusier Pony Hide Basculant Armchair LC 1.

The LC 1 Sling Chair displays a sophistication sophistication and inventivene in design which is evident in all furniture of the 1920's era.

This sling chair was designed in 1929 and is popular till date. The chair has a tubular steel chrome frame that gives it an air of sophistication and warm elegance. The combination of a steel frame with natural hide leather seat and back is truly magnificent. Available in Pony Hide or black leather the Le Corbusier LC1 Sling chair stands out for its modern design and minimalist appearance.
What makes this chair extremely comfortable is its seat back that tilts back far, making the chair a lounge in essence. The leather strap arm rests offer greater support and heightened usability.

It is such a sexy chair and we both love chairs in pony skin (and yes for those of you wondering it is in fact PONY real PONY )


Saturday, April 07, 2007

Amazing Design of IAC building in NY

I am a bit of a design / architecture fan, and especially love Frank Gehry's work (Disney Hall, Guggenheim Museum Bilbao etc).

So you can imagine my excitement to find the new IAC building in Chelsea New York has been completed. This buiding looks like it is almost like a complex group of soaring sail boats.

Visit the building website here

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