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sometimes blue
DrewI am a thirty something married gay boy living in Sydney, almost on top of the gay scene but not in it! Why Sometimes blue?, because I love blue, but also I am sometimes blue :)
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Thursday, March 22, 2007

My Dilema Explored and Decided

Thanks to everyone who took the time to leave a comment or send me an email on my work dilemma. I was interested to read people's opinions on what I should do.

In the end I have decided that I will not actively pursue the client and if they do come back and really want the product I will charge full (and I mean full) price without any discount.

I will however not provide any quotes or offer for strategy or design.

So if they call back they can have the software, but I will not follow the normal sales process and follow up with phone calls, emails etc.

Is it discrimination?

Yes probably so, but then again I think if they met me and discovered I was gay they probably would not buy our software anyway. I could also let slip if they do ring back as one person suggested!



At Fri Mar 23, 12:51:00 PM EST, Blogger Hamilton said...

of course it is not discrimination. You shouldn't take them on because their belief is that gays should go to hell and things they do hurt gay's lives directly. It is like that old story goes,
A nice old man saved a frozen snake, and he told it in his house, warmed it, fed it, and revived it. When the snake awoke, he then bit the old man to death. When the old man asks why, the snake said, "you know I am a snake when you saved me and this is what you deserve".

Of course these people are not frozen snakes, but you should get the drift. If these organizations later on promotes "family-friendly" communities and craps, you can't no longer question them.

At Sat Mar 24, 06:49:00 AM EST, Blogger Hamilton said...

this is great lol. i just realized how many typos i have, i need to revise the stuff i write before i click post bleh...


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