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sometimes blue
DrewI am a thirty something married gay boy living in Sydney, almost on top of the gay scene but not in it! Why Sometimes blue?, because I love blue, but also I am sometimes blue :)
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Monday, May 25, 2009

Contemplating Moving to a MAC

I have been contemplating moving from a PC to a MAC for ages and ages.

Before the boy left his previous company we even bought a whole lot of employee software for MAC so I would have most of the software I need.

With the whole technical nightmares I have been having over the last few weeks and glacial pace at which my PC has been running the issue has come up again.

I love the stylishness of the Macbooks and I love the feel of them, but I am really wary of having to learn a totally new computer interface and the down time that this will provide.

I am thinking of the MacBook 2.0 GHZ 13.3 inch aluminium with 4GB Ram or the White MacBook with the same RAM, the $400 price difference for the aluminium vs white is something I can;t really work out.
When it comes down to the look, I actually prefer the white glossy finish than the aluminium, as I have had aluminium Sony Vaois for years and years.
My concerns all stem from two areas:
  1. Getting used to the new interface
  2. Running my normal programs via MAC.
I had considered running Boot Camp or something so I could dual boot the computer, but there is really only one application that I use with any regularity that I would have to buy as a MAC program and that's my business accounting package.
But since I am wanting to move from a desktop financial package to an online financial package that argument seems redundant.
The other option is to run my financial package on one of the many pcs in the office and get it of of my machine.
There is also the issue that this will force me to finally fix all the quirks in our software for running on MAC browsers which is a rather important and significant plus
Does anyone who reads my blog have any experience in moving from PC to MAC with things like transferring PST files for outlook?
And what about using all of my old PC files through USB drives, do they work fine with MAC?
I have some many USB storage devices that I don't want the issue if I do move.
One of the really big features I love about the mac is the fact that there are so many MAC stores which you can pretty much walk into with your MAC and just ask them for help.
I am pretty PC literate in many ways, but sometimes you need to know something out of the ordinary and you need an expert.
So any one care to give me some advice or thoughts here?
Especially about transferring PST files, video formats etc
*Sigh* you know the boy calls it like a dog going back to it's own vomit every time I walk by an apple store I always play with the MacBooks!
Maybe I should just pull my finger out and do it?



At Mon May 25, 10:14:00 AM EST, Blogger Jay said...

Hey there. I recently was going through what you are talking about. In April I finally went through with it and bought a MAC. It does take some getting used to and it (to me) has a lot more cool features. The only thing I've had issues with is just .ivr files (which are internet video files). I got the MAC windows program too, since I use Excel a lot. I'm able to use the iMail or mail on my laptop to access all my other accounts and get everything in one location and I'm able to reply from any address I like. I wanted the white glossy one as well, but went for the one above that, just for the extra features, since I dab in photography. So, like I said, it took some getting used to, but I like it. Another awesome thing, you can just hook it up to any printer and start using that printer, no CDs required or downloads. I use my usb thumbdrives and external harddrives without any issues as well. :)

At Mon May 25, 11:32:00 AM EST, Blogger Sunshine said...

This is pretty easy to do in terms of transferring from Outlook to Entourage (Mac's version of Outlook):

You're probably right about the aluminium - looks pretty but it's actually quite uncomfortable after typing on it for a while because of the sharp edge pressing against your wrist.

Learning isn't too hard though - the Mac is very intuitive in my view. :)

At Mon May 25, 11:46:00 PM EST, Blogger ultra said...

Macs are pretty average. Once people start using them they become preachy and have to tell the world how great they are and how everyone should get Macs too. It's like a cult, except shiny.

At Tue May 26, 11:04:00 AM EST, Blogger Superdrewby said...

hahahahahahha - do I sense a dislike for MAC people ULTRA?

and so far it's been a relatively stress free change over..

so far

I am waiting for the problems!


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