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Whack it world
As a male fan, isn't this the cruelest thing you've ever seen:o( ?! Lindsay Lohan is the most beautiful woman to ever walk the face of the earth. This eHarmony gag is so sad :o( ! I'm sure too many men would give their very lives just to smell Lindsay's hair! She is a Goddess by all means. And even in this sad time of her life, a brief moment for sure, she teases us :o( ! Oh, Lindsay, one day you might come across love, real love, but something tells me it won't mean much to you. I'd give up everything I am just to be by your side for just a minute, and to you it means nothing :o( ! Someday you'll settle for a love that isn't real and you'll be happy for a brief time, but real love never dies. I wish for just a minute you could be a real "normal" woman, but I know that will never happen, and thus, "real love" will never find you, but I hope you are happy anyway. You ARE God's gift to man :o)! I love you, Lindsay.
It would be cruel if she was being serious
part of change is accepting that you have a problem and I think she is accepting of her problems now all she needs to do is find a way to address them
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