In the midst of holidays!
We are away on holidays in the US at the moment, having been in LA from Thursday till Yesterday when we drove from LA to Vegas where we are until Thursday.
LA was as always amazing, although this time we did not stay with friends as they were flat chat with work and could not really host this time round.
Catching up with Bryan and spending time with him was great fun and very rewarding :)
As was doing a small amount of clubbing out at Cherry Pop on Saturday night.
We also had our first real American Thanksgiving with one of our friends with one of the largest turkeys I have ever seen!
There is an undercurrent of work which I am having to deal with for a few hours most mornings which is a pain in the butt, but that's the way it pans out when you run your own business.
You can tell there is a recession over here the store are very quiet as is most everything.
Anyway about to head out for dinner!
You already know my sentiments on your visit, so I won't droll on as I have already done! :X
I haven't been keeping up with my blog readers, but happened upon this little gem today! :D
Miss you guys! Glad you got to Vegas safely! Did you manage to drive by the outlets? hehehe
Talk soon! Tell the boy I said hi! :D
IT was very nice seeing you/!
and as a suprise I may be back next week...
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