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sometimes blue
DrewI am a thirty something married gay boy living in Sydney, almost on top of the gay scene but not in it! Why Sometimes blue?, because I love blue, but also I am sometimes blue :)
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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Totally and utterly buggered

I shouldn't complain but I am shattered from the workload right now and my voice is in danger of being totally lost.

I am negotiating some of the biggest deals my small company has ever done at the moment and it seems that success breeds success.

I have so many potential clients and projects right now that I cannot even possibly cope with the sales calls let alone the actual workload.

I need more staff but am having huge problems finding suitable candidates.

But this is not a complaint, this is my brain screaming for ways to work out the best way forward and how to get the best outcomes for all my clients.

But for now I am excited, a bit anxious and a bit scared but let's get through this and make it work eh?


At Fri Mar 14, 06:35:00 AM EST, Blogger Gabriel said...


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