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sometimes blue
DrewI am a thirty something married gay boy living in Sydney, almost on top of the gay scene but not in it! Why Sometimes blue?, because I love blue, but also I am sometimes blue :)
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Monday, July 09, 2007

Another Rainy Day in Sydney

I do love the rain!


At Mon Jul 09, 03:54:00 PM EST, Blogger firstimpre55ion said...

Hey Drew,

Where do you manage to find these awesome pictures you always post on your blog!?

How you btw?! :)


At Wed Jul 11, 10:01:00 AM EST, Blogger Superdrewby said...

I shamelessly steal them off of Flickr, websites and other places I can find them

I generally do a series of google searches for a specific type of image or something that I want

At Sun Jul 29, 12:59:00 AM EST, Anonymous Francoism said...

Very nice shot


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