Nice to be home
Back home after a few days away:
One puppy licking my face - Check!
One pussy cat purring and rubbing - Check!
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Whack it world
Yay you're back! :D So, where are all the juicy details of your trip in NZ?! And all the pics of you modeling the trunks that you bought?! J/K...well sorta...anyways hehe Take care for to you soon!
P.S. If you need help with contracts let me know...I dabble in legalese at times...there's some great ways to word that a customer is SCREWED if they don't pony up! hah! :P
yes yes yes back!
feeling a bit tired and starting to get a cold which is a pain in neck., but what can I expect when they try snap freezing you on the flight!
There are no real tales of much from NZ it was all very boring and I spent half my time witha drink in my hand so when I wasn't drinking I was feeling seedy lol!
Thanks for the offer with the contracts, It's more I feel personally aggrieved by the client not paying on time *sigh*
and OMG no there will be no pictures of me in underwear I am the fattest I have ever been at the moment! I need to trim down and get back in shape!
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