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sometimes blue
DrewI am a thirty something married gay boy living in Sydney, almost on top of the gay scene but not in it! Why Sometimes blue?, because I love blue, but also I am sometimes blue :)
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Tuesday, May 06, 2003

New Bill to equalise the Age of Consent Tabled in NSW Parliament

A new bill to equalise the age of consent for homosexuality has been tabled in NSW Australian Parliament today. This is the second time the bill has been tabled in the State Parliament in the last couple of years, narrowly being defeated in 1999 by a single vote.

The bill is of utmost importance for Australian's and especially for those of us who live in New South Wales. Equalising the age of consent to 16 for males to consensually agree to sexual acts with other males is very important. This bill will also strengthen the penalties for people who prey on children and is an extremely well thought out bill.

Read about the Bill and how you can help ::

As expected the honorable (sic) Rev. Fred Nile a NSW State Senator is against the bill, but this is the same guy who marches against Mardi Gras and believes that all homosexuals are peodophiles! His arguement is that it will allow older men to prey on younger men - which is a load of crap!

The NSW Attorney General is sponsering this bill and we truly believe that this time it will get passed and young gay guys in NSW will have equal rights for their sexuality!

Please help support this bill and bring NSW in line with the rest of the country!


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