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sometimes blue
DrewI am a thirty something married gay boy living in Sydney, almost on top of the gay scene but not in it! Why Sometimes blue?, because I love blue, but also I am sometimes blue :)
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Thursday, March 13, 2003

Some Updates

I have finally connected my high speed ADSL link at home which means I can have a better connection to the web, and I no longer have to rely on old dial up to FTP stuff backwards and forwards to the site.

I have been promising for months now that the site will be upgraded and all the small annoying (and not so small) probles with the members section and message boards will be fixed. Well I am very close now to having the whole thing up and running!

Over the next week I am copying all the content from the site over to the new Content Solution. Once this is done one of the members will be editing all the content for grammatical and spelling mistakes. A whole lot of new content will also be uploaded and then I will press the magic button and the entire site will be rewritten and republished!

I will be removing some of the old cute boy galleries to make room for some new content as well, so if you have not had a look at them all do so now, as I have not yet worked out which galleries I will be removing!

Thank you for your patience while I have been updating the system!


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