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sometimes blue
DrewI am a thirty something married gay boy living in Sydney, almost on top of the gay scene but not in it! Why Sometimes blue?, because I love blue, but also I am sometimes blue :)
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Wednesday, June 27, 2001

Bits and Bobs
Today Superdrewby reached a magical number of registered members with well over 100 members now. I still am not getting the full number of hits to the site or the full interactivity yet, but it is growing. I need to hurry up and load the new message board an other bits and pieces, but I haven't had time to finish debugging them all yet. Maybe over the weekend I hope!
I have also started to add the new functionality of allowing members to upload their own picture to the site with their profiles, but i am still waiting for some server software to be loaded before it can work.
Many people have emailed me their Stor Troopers they designed from the link on this site and I think they are really cute! I have a list of things to fix and upload to Superdrewby and am hoping that soon I will have the entire site finished. I am thinking about making all the code of the databases available for other sites like mine that want a fully interactive community, and I might even try charging for it as it has taken me many hundreds of hours to put it all together!
Anyway this morning was a real bummer with lee's car being broken into overnight - they slashed the roof open to get in, but they took nothing, another one of the drugged out wankers in the area strike again. Sometimes my right wing side takes hold and I want harsher penalties for these types of people, or maybe for them to be shot on site!


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